E-Transfer Pull Payments

Step 1: Create Account Holder

POST {{teller_domain}}/api/v1/account_holders

Example request payload:

  "type": "busines",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Smith"

The type for pull requests is required to be business.

Example response payload:

  	"data": {
    		"email": "[email protected]",
    		"id": 123,
    		"type": "business"

The id in this response corresponds to the Account Holder ID which will be required in Step 3 below.

Step 2: Tokenize Customer information

The email used to create the account holder from Step 1 is used to create a token.

POST {{teller_domain}}/api/v1/tokens or {{teller_domain}}/api/v2/tokens

namestringyesname of the person or business

max 60 characters
emailstringconditionalemail of the person or business

required for e-transfer email notifications
phone_numberstringconditionalphone number of person or business

10 digits in length

do not include dashes or spaces

includes area code and phone number

required for e-transfer sms notifications

If notification choice is email, the payload for tokenization looks as follows:

  "etransfer": {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "email": "[email protected]"

Example response payload:

  	"data": {
    		"customer_name": "John Smith",
    		"email": "[email protected]",
    		"phone_number": null,
    		"token": "ettk_BY-HbLvFocbzF8O23EF4E37121688FE9D",
    		"type": "etransfer"

If notification choice is SMS, the payload for tokenization looks as follows:

  "etransfer": {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "phone_number": "1234567890"

Example response payload:

  	"data": {
    		"customer_name": "John Smith",
    		"email": null,
    		"phone_number": 1234567890,
    		"token": "ettk_BY-HbLvFocbzF8O23EF4E37121688FE9D",
    		"type": "etransfer"

The token from the response in this step is used to create a financial account in Step 3 below.

Step 3: Create Financial Account

A financial account must be created with the token from Step 2. As well as the id from Step 1. The id from Step 1 is used as the :id path parameter. This step links together the Account Holder from Step 1 with the Financial Account created from this step.

POST {{teller_domain}}/api/v1/account_holders/:id/financial_accounts

Example request payload:

  "token": "ettk_BY-HbLvFocbzF8O23EF4E37121688FE9D"

Example response payload:

  		"data": {
        	"account_holder_id": 123,
        	"customer_name": "John Smith",
        	"email":"[email protected]",
        	"id": "etransfer_123_ettk_BY-HbLvFocbzF8O23EF4E37121688FE9D",
        	"network_type": "etransfer",
        	"phone_number": null,
        	"status": "active",
        	"type": "etransfer"

The id from this response is used the step below to create a pull transaction.

Step 4: Create pull transaction

A pull request is created by using the id from the response in Step 3. This id is used as the value for financial_account in the request body. A pull request requires an idempotency key to avoid duplicate pull transactions.

POST {{teller_domain}}/api/v1/transactions/pull

amountnumberyesin cents the amount you wish to send
currencystringyescurrency of the transaction
productstringyesproduct of the transaction
financial_accountstringyesfinancial account to which you wish to send money

Example request payload:

  "amount": 2000, 
  "currency": "CAD",
  "product": "disbursements",
  "financial_account": "etransfer_123_ettk_BY-HbLvFocbzF8O23EF4E37121688FE9D",
  "idempotency_key": "abc123"

Example response payload:

  		"data": {
        	"amount": 2000,
        	"currency": "CAD",
        	"financial_account": "etransfer_123_ettk_BY-HbLvFocbzF8O23EF4E37121688FE9D",
        	"gateway_codes": [
              		"code": "action_code_not_found",
              		"message": "No action code found"
        	"id": "0dsd8048-334f-43d5-8475-79c17cbc4d79",
        	"status": "awaiting_settlement"

The id from the response in this step can be used to track the pull transaction and see any related details using the GET Show Transactions endpoint.

Note: Initial status is always “awaiting_settlement” unless an error occurred, which we would catch upon creation.


For information on how to setup Interac E-transfer webhook notifications, please see this documentation.

The id from the response in Step 4 can be used for tracking the pull transaction. This id is used as the id value for the outgoing webhook notifications.

Example outgoing Interac E-transfer webhook payload

  "id": "0dsd8048-334f-43d5-8475-79c17cbc4d79",
  "type": "pull",
  "status": "approved",
  "processor_status": "successful",
  "network": "etransfer",
  "currency": "CAD",
  "amount": 2000,
  "action_message": "No action code found", // not implemented yet - default message
  "action_code": "action_code_not_found"    // not implemented yet - default code


Related pages:

API Flows
Tokenization JS Library
E-transfer Flow