Create Token: Bank Account

The tokenization endpoint allows you to create tokens representing a Bank Account. These tokens can then be used to associate a Bank Account to an Account Holder.

The Tokenization endpoint should only be used for testing purposes, and instead the Berkeley client JavaScript library can be used to create tokens in order to reduce your PCI scope.

Note: When using the Tokenization endpoint you should use the Token API Key. As this key can be exposed in client side applications.

Create a Bank Account Token

This endpoint allows you to create a token that is specific for a Financial Account or a bank account (i.e., credit, debit).


Note that all fields must be present in the request. Some field values are optional.

account_numberstring, required12341234Bank Account Number, between 7 and 12 digits.
transit_numberstring, required12345Bank Account Transit Number
institution_numberstring, required001Bank Account Institution
account_holder_namestring, requiredJohn SmithAccount Holder Name
currencystring, requiredCAN, USDBank Account Currency
countrystring, requiredCAN, USACountry of Bank Account


Field nameTypeValueDescription
account_numberstring, required12341234Bank Account Number
transit_numberstring, required12345Bank Account Transit Number
institution_numberstring, required001Bank Account Institution
account_holder_namestring, requiredJohn SmithAccount Holder Name
currencystring, requiredCAN, USDBank Account Currency
countrystring, requiredCAN, USACountry of Bank Account
last_four_digitsstring, required1234Last Four Digits of Account Number
risk_levelstringlow; medium; highCard risk level based on CVV, AVS and Watchlist - Berkeley Use Only (Beta)
token(alphanumeric)random keyencrypted bank account token
typestringpayment_card or bank_accountThe type of financial account being tokenized
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!