Create Token: Payment Card

The tokenization endpoint allows you to create tokens representing a Payment Card. These tokens can then be used to associate a Payment Card to an Account Holder.

The Tokenization endpoint should only be used for testing purposes, and instead the Berkeley client JavaScript library can be used to create tokens in order to reduce your PCI scope.

Note: When using the Tokenization endpoint you should use the Token API Key. As this key can be exposed in client side applications.

Create a Payment Card Token

This endpoint allows you to create a token that is specific for a Financial Account or a payment card (i.e., credit, debit).


Note that all fields must be present in the request. Some field values are optional.

namestring, requiredJohn Smithcard holder name
brandstring, optionalVisabrand of card (visa, mastercard, amex)
numberstring, required4111111111111111card number
address_line1string, optional123 Main Stbilling address line 1
address_line2string, optionalSuite 300billing address line 2
address_postal_codestring, optionalM5H 3G8billing address postal code
address_countrystring, optionalCANbilling address country
address_citystring, optionalTorontobilling address city
address_statestring, optionalONbilling address state/region/province
expiry_monthstring, see notes below [1]12card expiry month, 2 digits
expiry_yearstring, see notes below [1]2022card expiry year, 4 digits
cvvstring, see notes below [1]123security code, 3 or 4 digits

[1]: If you tokenize a card that will be used as a source of funds in a Pull transaction (i.e., Prepaid Load, P2P Transfer), expiry_month and expiry_year are required. If you tokenize a card that wll be used to receive funds in a Push transaction (i.e., Funds disbursements), expiry_month, expiry_year, and cvv are optional (the only exception is for the U.S., where expiry_month and expiry_year are required).


Field nameTypeValueDescription
typestringpayment_card or bank_accountThe type of financial account being tokenized
token(alphanumeric)random keyencrypted card token
risk_levelstringlow; medium; highCard risk level based on CVV, AVS and Watchlist - Berkeley Use Only (Beta)
push_funds_enabledbooleantrue; falseIf the recipient's card accepts real-time deposits or not. If not, the funds will be deposited in 24-48hr
namestringJohn SmithThe full name of the sender or recipient
last_four_digitsnumber3647The last 4-digits of the card PAN; also used for easily identifying the card
expiry_yearnumber2022The expiry year of the card (YYYY)
expiry_monthsnumbermonthThe expiry month of the card (MM)
currencystringCAD, USDThe currency code used for the transaction - 3-char value
card_holder_typestringconsumer; businessThe type of card used by the sender or recipient in the transaction
brandstringvisa; mastercardThe card brand used in the transaction
binstring6 digitsBin number of issuer
card_product_namestringVisa CorporateThe name of the card product
card_subtype_codestringReloadable; Non-ReloadableThe type of Prepaid card
funding_typestringcredit; debit; prepaidThe type of card used for the transaction
issuer_namestringBANCO AGROMERCANTIL DE GUATEMALA S.A.The name of the Bank issuer
issuer_country_codestringCAN, USA; ESPIssuing country code - 3-char value
fast_funds_enabledbooleantrue; falseWhether or not the Recipient issuer anticipates in Fast Funds
cvv_check_statusstringpass; fail; unchecked; unavailableSee Berkeley Client Services wiki for detailed description - Fraud Prevention
avs_check_statusstringpass; fail; unchecked; unavailableSee Berkeley Client Services wiki for detailed description - Fraud Prevention
address_statestringON, BC, ABBilling address province associated with the card (2-char)
address_postal_codealphanumericM5H3G8Canadian postal code or US ZIP code
address_line1string123 Main St.Street number and street name
address_line2stringSuite 300Apartment number or suite number
address_countrystringCAN, USA; ESPBilling address country code
address_citystringTorontoBilling address city
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!