Create External Account

Create an External Account for a Cardholder


ParameterRequiredData TypeNotes
nameYesStringName of the External Account.
emailConditionalStringEmail associated with the External Account.
Only required for type person_to_person External Accounts
vanity_identifierConditionalStringVanity Identifier associatd with a Direct Send Financial Account to which the Cardholder will send money.
Only required for type personal_account or personal_funding_account External Accounts
typeYesStringType of External Account

personal_account is to link a Cardholder to their personal bank account. Cardholders are only able to have one of these types of External Accounts

person_to_person is to link a Cardholder with friends and family members to whom they wish to send money. Cardholders may have many of these types of External Accounts

personal_funding_account is like a personal account but this type allows for multiple personal accounts.


ParameterRequiredData typeNotes
idYesNumberID for External Transfer
cardholder_idYesNumberID of the Cardholder associated with the External Account
nameYesStringName of the External Account
emailConditionalStringEmail associatd with the External Account.
Only required for type person_to_person External Accounts
vanity_identifierConditionalStringVanity Identifier associatd with a Direct Send Financial Account to which the Cardholder will send money.
Only required for type personal_account or personal_funding_account External Accounts
typeYesNumberType of External Account

personal_account is to link a Cardholder to their personal bank account. Cardholders are only able to have one of these types of External Accounts

person_to_person is to link a Cardholder with friends and family members to whom they wish to send money. Cardholders may have many of these types of External Accounts

personal_funding_account is like a personal account but this type allows for multiple personal accounts.
created_atYesStringTime an External Account was created
updated_atYesStringTime an External Account was updated
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