Create Push Transaction

Create a transaction to credit a Financial Account for a specific amount.

This has the effect of Pushing funds to a Financial Account so that the amount will appear as a credit
on the Financial Account.


amountinteger, requiredtransaction amount, smallest unit in currency (example 10000 for $100.00 CAD )
currencystring, requiredtransaction currency, 3 character code
financial_accountstring, requiredid of the financial account to pull funds from
productstring, requiredTo proceed with this transaction, an active subscription is mandatory, and if a pull transaction_id is provided, it must correspond to the designated pull transaction product
pull_transaction_idstringid of the corresponding pull transaction
idempotency_keystringunique value to associate with the transaction request
external_tagstringUser defined external tag

EFT only fields

These fields will only effect transactions on the EFT network.

descriptorstring, optionalDescriptor that will be displayed to the owner of the financial account. Usually an invoice or pay stub number
originator_idnumber, optionalAllows sending a different originator with the EFT than the default.

E-Transfer only fields

These fields will only effect E-Transfers.

security_questionstring, required for push

question to answer for e-transfer payment

security_question_answerstring, 3-25 characters, no white-space, required for pushanswer to the security_question provided


statusstringThe transaction status
idalphanumericThe transaction ID
financial_accountalphanumericThe encrypted financial account associated with the transaction
currencystringThe country currency for the transaction
amountnumberThe amount of the transaction
gateway_codesarrayCodes returned from the gateway. Each code is an object that includes a code and message field.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!